From the Heart of Our Minister – May 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

PEACE to each of your hearts!

(St. Francis) was called by the Lord to a unique grace of friendship. Through his prayers he found the Rule of the Lesser Brothers, and when he lost it he returned to the mountain (as Moses had done with the Tablets of the Law) where he had found it and prayed again … there … by divine revelation and through the power of prayer, he found the lost rule. And it was confirmed for him.

Fr. Francis Sariego, OFM Cap, one of our dear Regional Spiritual
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Thoughts From Your Regional Formation Director – May, 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In the beautiful prayer Saint Francis wrote in a letter to the Order we can see the three essential steps in our spiritual life which Francis himself embellished. This prayer can be found in our Ritual on page 36 that is our Closing Prayer.

As we grow in relationship with Christ we begin to understand the mysteries of our faith beginning with the purgative way which is a purification, a self emptying. This does not happen through our own efforts but only by the grace that God gives to us.

As we descend, we arise to
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Fr. Francis’ Greetings – May, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

The Lord grant you His Peace, the Life-giving Gift of the Holy Spirit

The world is ever going through its millennial “growing pains”. We have been facing a tragic reality for a number of months. Extremists in the name of God are killing hundreds of our sisters and brothers in Christ, because they are of Christ. Talks, sanctions, military threats, open combat are only a few of the tactics employed to defuse and destroy the “enemy at the gates”. Have we forgotten that God must be a part of our response
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Fr. Francis’ Reflections – May, 2015

May 2015

Hail, O Lady, holy Queen, you are the virgin made church

and the one chosen by the most holy Father in heaven

whom He consecrated with His most holy beloved Son

and with the Holy Spirit the Paraclete,

in whom there was and is all the fullness of grace and every good.

Hail, His Palace! Hail, His, Tabernacle! Hail, His Home!

Hail, His Robe! Hail, His Servant! Hail, His Mother!

And hail all you holy virtues which through the grace and
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