Posted By Teresa Redder, on July 19th, 2016 A very useful document has been added to our digital library — The Secular Franciscan Monthly Pledge. It is available as both a Word Document and a PDF. Some Fraternities make reading this pledge part of their monthly gathering. My own fraternity includes it as part of our monthly benediction service. We think you will find it to be a beautiful summary our responsibilities as Secular Franciscans:
The Secular Franciscan Monthly Pledge
We realize the importance of giving glory to God, of striving for holiness and of working for the spiritual and temporal welfare of others. We see → Continue reading: The Secular Franciscan Monthly Pledge
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on July 7th, 2016 Mea Culpa! The month of July is several days old and I am just getting to the postings. I have been in St. Louis since June 28 preparing for the 2016 Q. Now that I am home, there is still a smile on my face and I hope it stays there a good long time. It is hard to describe what it is like to spend 4 days with 600 Secular Franciscans. There is great joy at greeting old friends and new. If there is a tau cross around your neck…..you are family! Spending time in prayer with so many → Continue reading: Experiencing The Q
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on July 7th, 2016 Brothers and Sisters,
When we talk about Servant Leadership we first look to Christ as Leader. In Matthew 20-27 we read, whoever ranks first among you must serve the needs of all. I did not come to be served but to serve. At the last supper Jesus washed the feet of his disciples to leave us an example.
Let us look at Article 21 of our rule which states, on various levels of fraternity is animated and guided by a council and Minister who are professed and elected according to the Constitutions.
The description of each position on fraternity council → Continue reading: Servant Leadership from our Regional Formation Director
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on July 7th, 2016 July 2016 All-powerful, most holy, Almighty and supreme God, Holy and just Father, Lord King of heaven and earth we thank You for Yourself, for through Your holy will and through Your only Son with the holy Spirit You have created everything spiritual and corporal … making us in Your own image and likeness,… We thank You… Thoughts about St. Francis and Thought for the Day from various sources 1 Servants of the Lord should not be ignorant of the lives and teachings of saints through which they can come to God. – When you come to Christ, Christianity → Continue reading: July Reflections from Father Francis
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on July 7th, 2016 St. Katherine Drexel Regional Fraternity Regional Spiritual Assistant St. Francis of Assisi Friary 1901 Prior Road Wilmington, Delaware 19809 tel: (302) 798-1454 fax: (302) 798-3360 website: skdsfo email: pppgusa@gmail.com July 2016 Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis, The Lord give you his peace! St. Francis of Assisi has a powerful hold over the hearts of many Catholics, non-Catholics, and even non-Christians. The ‘Poverello’ of Assisi, whose death occurred over eight centuries ago, lives on in his spiritual children and all those who have come to understand the importance of his all-embracing ministry. God offers us extraordinary signs to → Continue reading: July Greetings from Father Francis