St. Katherine Drexel Regional Fraternity
Regional Spiritual Assistant
St. Francis of Assisi Friary
1901 Prior Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19809
tel: (302) 798-1454 fax: (302) 798-3360 website: skdsfo email:
November 2024
Wherever we are, in every place, at every hour, at every time of the day,
every day and continually,
let all of us truly and humbly believe, hold in our heart and love, honor, adore, serve,
praise and bless, glorify and exalt, magnify and give thanks
to the Most High and Supreme Eternal God, Trinity and Unity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Creator of all, Savior of all who believe and hope in Him, and love Him, Who,
without beginning and end, is unchangeable, invisible, indescribable, ineffable,
incomprehensible, unfathomable, blessed, praiseworthy, glorious, exalted,
sublime, most high, gentle, lovable, delightful,
and totally desirable above all else for ever.
(Prayer of Saint Francis taken from the Earlier Rule, chapter 23)
The daily excerpts from The Assisi Compilation
1 – His opinion was that only rarely should something be commanded under obedience, for the weapon of last resort should not be the first one used. As he said, “The hand should not reach quickly for the sword.”
– The things that count most in life are the things that cannot be counted.
2 – He who does not hurry to obey what is commanded under obedience neither fears God nor respects man. Nothing could be truer. For what is command in a rash leader, but a sword in the hands of a madman? And what could be more hopeless than a religious who despises obedience?
– The intellect of the wise is like glass. It admits the light of heaven and reflects it.
3 – Saint Francis also said: “A time will come when the religion loved by God will have such a bad reputation because of bad examples that it will be embarrassing to go out in public. Whoever comes to enter the Order at that time will be led only by the working of the Holy Spirit; flesh and blood will put no blot on them; they will be truly blessed by the Lord.
– I am more afraid of my good deeds that please me, than of my bad deeds that repel me.
4 – Although they will not do works of merit, for the love that makes saints work fervently will have grown cold, still they will undergo temptations; and whoever passes the tests of that time will be better than those who came before.
– Is anything too hard for the Lord?
5 – But woe to them who congratulate themselves over the appearance of a religious way of living, those numbed by idleness, those who do not firmly resist the temptations which are permitted to test the chosen! Only those who are tested will receive the crown of life, those who in the meantime are disturbed by the malice of the wicked.”
– To err is human, but when the eraser wears out ahead of the pencil then you are overdoing it.
6 – “Brothers,” he would also say, “I prayed to the Lord that he might deign to show me when I am his servant and when I am not, for I want to be nothing except his servant. And now the gracious Lord himself in his mercy is giving me this answer: ‘Know that you are in truth my servant when you think, speak, and do things that are holy.’ And so I have called you brothers because I want to be shamed in front of you if ever I am not doing any of those three”. – No one is more confusing than the one who gives good advice while setting a bad example.
7 – One day when blessed Francis lay sick in the palace of the bishop of Assisi, one of the brothers, a spiritual and holy man, smiling and playfully, said to him: “You will sell all your sackcloth to the Lord for a good price! Many canopies and silk coverings will hang over this body of yours now clothed in sackcloth.” At the time Saint Francis, on account of his illness, wore a fur cap covered with sackcloth as well as a tunic of sackcloth. With great fervor of spirit and joy blessed Francis—not himself, but the Holy Spirit through him—answered: “You’re right because that’s how it will be.”
– If you bear the cross gladly, it will bear you.
8 – While he was staying in that palace, blessed Francis, realizing that he was getting sicker by the day, had himself carried on a litter to the church of Saint Mary of the Portiuncula, since he could not ride horseback because of his severe illness. When those who were carrying him passed by the hospital along the road, he asked them to place the litter on the ground. Since he could hardly see because of the serious and prolonged eye-disease, he had the litter turned so that he would face the city of Assisi.
– If I have no love, no matter what fabulous things I may be able to do, I am nothing.
9 – Raising himself up slightly on the litter, he blessed the city of Assisi. “Lord,” he said, “just as I believe that at an earlier time this city was the abode of wicked and evil men, with a bad reputation throughout all this region; so now I realize that, because of Your abundant mercy and in Your own time, You have shown an abundance of mercies to it. – It is impossible for the Church to remain on its feet if it doesn’t get on its knees.
10 – Now it has become the abode of those who acknowledge You, give glory to Your name, offer the fragrance of good life, doctrine, and good reputation to the whole Christian people. I ask you, therefore, Lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercies, not to consider our ingratitude.
– The more the world is at its worst, the more we need the Church at its best.
11 – May it always be mindful of the abundant mercies which You have shown to it, that it always be an abode for those who acknowledge You, and glorify Your name blessed and glorious throughout the ages. Amen.” After saying these things, he was carried to Saint Mary of the Portiuncula.
– The family was before the Church or rather the first form of the Church was the family.
12 – From the time of his conversion till the day of his death, blessed Francis, whether healthy or sick, was always concerned to know and follow the will of the Lord.
– We see things not as they are but as we are.
13 – One day a brother said to blessed Francis: “Father, your life and manner of living were and are a light and a mirror not only for your brothers but also for the entire Church of God, and your death will be the same. Although for the brothers and many others your death will mean great grief and sorrow, for you it will rather be a great consolation and infinite joy.
– We are not completely born until we are dead.
14 – You will pass from great toil to the greatest rest, from many sorrows and temptations to infinite happiness, from your great poverty, which you always loved and carried from the beginning of your conversion till the day of your death, to the greatest, true, and infinite riches, from death in time to life in eternity. There you will forever behold face to face the Lord your God whom you have contemplated in this world with so much desire and love.”
– In the end it will not matter with what we fought. It will matter on what side we fought.
15 – After saying these things he said to him openly: “Father, you should know the truth: unless the Lord sends his own remedy from heaven to your body, your sickness is incurable and, as the doctors already said, you do not have long to live.
– Children, especially, set their watches by our clock.
16 – I told you this to comfort your spirit, that you may always rejoice in the Lord, inside and out; especially so that your brothers and others who come to visit you may find you rejoicing in the Lord, since they know and believe that you will die soon. Thus, as they see this and, after your death, others hear about it, your death, like your life and manner of living, may be held in remembrance by all.”
– Never let anything so fill you with sorrow that you forget the joy of the Risen Christ.
17 – Although racked with sickness, blessed Francis praised God with great fervor of spirit and joy of body and soul, and told him: “If I am to die soon, call Brother Angelo and Brother Leo that they may sing to me about Sister Death.”
– Prayer is talking something over with God, rather than trying to talk God out of something.
18 – Those brothers came to him and, with many tears, sang the Canticle of Brother Sun and the other creatures of the Lord, which the Saint himself had composed in his illness for the praise of the Lord and the consolation of his own soul and that of others.
– The more we depend on God, the more dependable God becomes.
19 – Before the last stanza he added one about Sister Death: “Praised be You, my Lord, through our Sister Bodily Death, from whom no one living can escape. Woe to those who die in mortal sin. Blessed are those whom death will find in Your most holy will, for the second death shall do them no harm.”
– When you give to the poor, it is like lending to the Lord.
20 – One day blessed Francis called his companions to himself: “You know how faithful and devoted Lady Jacoba dei Settesoli was and is to me and to our religion. Therefore, I believe she would consider it a great favor and consolation if you notified her about my condition.
– We must constantly guard against forming our belief to our behavior rather than our behavior to our belief.
21 – Above all, tell her to send you some cloth for a tunic of religious cloth the color of ashes, like the cloth made by Cistercian monks in the region beyond the Alps. Have her also send some of that confection which she often made for me when I was in the City. This confection, made of almonds, sugar or honey, and other things, the Romans call mostacciolo.
That spiritual woman was a holy widow, devoted to God. She belonged to one of the more noble and wealthy families of the entire City.
– An empty meaningless faith may be worse than none.
22 – Through the merits and words of blessed Francis she had obtained such grace from God that she seemed like another Magdalene, always full of tears and devotion for love of God. After the letter was written, as dictated by the holy father, while one brother was looking for another one to deliver the letter, there was a knock at the door. When one of the brothers opened the gate, he saw Lady Jacoba who had hurried from the City to visit blessed Francis. With great joy the brother immediately went to tell blessed Francis that Lady Jacoba had come to visit him with her son and many other people.
– People find their way to heaven more by a path of footprints than by a pack of road maps.
23 – “What shall we do, Father,” he said, “shall we allow her to enter and come in here?” He said this because blessed Francis a long time ago had ordered that in that place no women should enter that cloister out of respect and devotion for that place. Blessed Francis answered him: “This command need not be observed in the case of this lady whose faith and devotion made her come here from so far away.”And in this way, she came in to see blessed Francis, crying many tears in his presence. It was amazing: she brought with her shroud-cloth, that is, gray-colored cloth, for a tunic, and all the other things that were written in the letter. This made the brothers greatly marvel at the holiness of blessed Francis.
– A mistake doesn’t make an error until I refuse to correct it.
24 – “While I was praying,” Lady Jacoba told the brothers, “a voice within me said ‘Go, visit your father, blessed Francis, without delay, and hurry, because if you delay long you will not find him alive. Moreover, take such and such cloth for his tunic, as well as the ingredients for making that particular confection. Take with you also a great quantity of wax and incense.’”
– Every bigot was once a child free of prejudice.
25 – Blessed Francis did not have incense written in the letter, but the Lord Himself willed to inspire that lady as a reward and consolation for her soul. In this way we would more easily recognize the great holiness of that saint, that poor man, whom the heavenly Father wished to honor so greatly in the days he was dying.
– Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.
26 – He inspired the Kings to travel with gifts to honor the child, His beloved Son, in the days of His birth and His poverty.
So too He willed to inspire this noble lady in a faraway region to travel with gifts to honor and venerate the glorious and holy body of His servant the saint, who loved and followed the poverty of His beloved Son with so much fervor and love in life and in death. One day that lady made that confection the holy father wanted to eat.
– Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.
27 – He ate only a little of it, however, since he was near death, and daily his body was becoming weaker on account of his illness. She also had many candles made which would burn around his holy body after his death. From the cloth she had brought for his tunic, the brothers made him the tunic in which he was buried. He himself ordered the brothers to sew pieces of sackcloth on the outside of it as a sign and example of most holy humility and poverty. It happened, as it pleased God, that during the same week that Lady Jacoba arrived, blessed Francis passed to the Lord.
– No Christian escapes a taste of wilderness on the way to the Promised Land.
28 – From the beginning of his conversion blessed Francis, with God’s help, like a wise man, established himself and his house, that is, the religion, upon a firm rock, the greatest humility and poverty of the Son of God, calling it the religion of “Lesser Brothers.”
– All that is not eternal is eternally out of date.
29 – On the greatest humility: thus at the beginning of the religion, after the brothers grew in number, he wanted the brothers to stay in hospitals of lepers to serve them. At that time whenever nobles and commoners came to the religion, they were told, among other things, that they had to serve the lepers and stay in their houses.
– Christianity is feet on the ground going God’s way.
30 – On the greatest poverty: as stated in the Rule, let the brothers remain as strangers and pilgrims in the houses in which they stay. Let them not seek to have anything under heaven, except holy poverty, by which, in this world, they are nourished by the Lord with bodily food and virtue, and, in the next, will attain a heavenly inheritance. He established himself on the greatest poverty and humility, because, although he was a great prelate in the church of God, he wanted and chose to be lowly not only in the church of God, but also among his brothers.
– Have courage and patience through the sorrows of life. Go to sleep in peace. God is awake.
Thank God ahead of time when praying
For the past we learned from,
For the present we live based on what we learned
For the future in God’s all-providing love and providence
Laudato Si’ my Lord God for being You!