Posted By Terri Leone, on June 21st, 2023 A Church on Mission
The National Eucharistic Revival in the United States moved into its
second, or parish, year on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. In July 2024, the Church in the United States will hold a National Eucharistic Congress. We at Catholic Apostolate Center continue to work with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the National Eucharistic Congress organization to assist all in moving out on mission from our encounter with Christ in the Eucharist. On Monday, June 19, Pope Francis met with the organizers of the Congress and offered these and other important insights. His words are quoted here at length and should be reflected on often.
“It is my hope, then, that the Eucharistic Congress will inspire Catholics throughout the country to discover anew the sense of wonder and awe at the Lord’s great gift of himself and to spend time with him in the celebration of the Holy Mass and in personal prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament…. I likewise trust that the Congress will be an occasion for the faithful to commit themselves with ever greater zeal to being missionary disciples of the Lord Jesus in the world… This is the sense of a missionary spirit. You go to the celebration of Mass, receive communion, adore the Lord and then what do you do after? You go out and evangelize. Jesus asks this of
us. The Eucharist, then, impels us to a strong and committed love of neighbor.
For we cannot truly understand or live the meaning of the Eucharist if our hearts are closed to our brothers and sisters, especially those who are poor, suffering, weary or who may have gone astray in life” (Pope Francis, Greeting to the Organizing Committee of the National Eucharistic Congress in the United States of America).
May the Charity of Christ urge us on!
In God, the Infinite Love,
Fr. Frank – Catholic Apostolate Center
St. Francis of Assisi’s “Letter to the Entire Order” (excerpt)
26 Let everyone be struck with fear,
let the whole world tremble,
and let the heavens exult
when Christ, the Son of the living God,
is present on the altar in the hands of a priest!
27O wonderful loftiness and stupendous dignity!
O sublime humility!
O humble sublimity! …
Humble yourselves that you may be exalted by Him! 1 Pt 5:6 Jas 4:10
29Hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves,
that He Who gives Himself totally to you may receive you totally!
How will you give Christ to your brothers & sisters today?
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on August 10th, 2020 I had the distinct privilege of “attending” = Zoom, the monthly gathering of the Immaculate Conception fraternity yesterday. During the business meeting, it was reported that there was a certain amount of money in the “Poor Box”. The minister, Amanda Jamnicky, OFS, explained for my benefit just what the Poor Box is. Every month a box is left on the table during the gathering and everyone throws in whatever change they have on them. When the amount reaches $50, the money is given to a member of the fraternity. (They are going down the list of members alphabetically) That member then donates the $50 to his or her favorite charity. What a truly Franciscan apostolate! – Helping the poor and including everyone in the fraternity! Well done, Immaculate Conception, well done!
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on October 22nd, 2019 What a perfectly perfect day!! In spite of the rain, more than 130 folks attended the 25th anniversary of St. Katharine Drexel Region! It truly was a family reunion. The Mass, celebrated by Father John Frambes, OFM, was beautiful. The church itself was filled….filled!!…. The choir sounded great with Brother Kip providing phenomenal harmony. In an effort to be inclusive, the petitions were read in both English and Spanish which was comforting to all.
Back to the Hall and let the fun begin! The potluck dishes provided such a grand variety of food with something to entice everyone. There were a Franciscan nun and Friar with their faces cut out providing a picture opportunity and a few laughs. Justin Carisio, OFS, gave a very informative presentation on St. Katharine Drexel. So many folks were heard saying they learned lots of new info about our patron. Thanks, Justin!
The gift bag that everyone received had a logo that Justin’s son, Sebastian created for us commemorating the anniversary. The bag itself contained a coloring book with a page for each fraternity and a box of crayons, some mints that were made with water from the shrine at Our Lady of Lourdes, a pen, bookmark created for the occasion and prayer card of Mother Katharine Drexel.
Everyone left well fed and happy! What more can we ask!? May the next 25 years bring us as much joy as the anniversary party did!!
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on August 26th, 2018 Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Lord give you peace!
The National Executive Council is publishing the following statement regarding the recent scandal in the Churches of Pennsylvania. It will soon be posted on our website and social media.
This message is addressed to all Secular Franciscans. Please share it widely. Thank you!
With you in prayer,
Jan and the NEC
Jan Parker OFS
Minister, Secular Franciscan Order USA
Renewed and Confirmed: Live the Treasure!
Celebrating 40 Years of our OFS Rule
A Message to Secular Franciscans
Regarding the Recent Scandal in the Churches of Pennsylvania
Sisters and Brothers of the Secular Franciscan Order, United States:
The release of the Grand Jury report in Pennsylvania is a cause of sorrow, pain and agonizing self-scrutiny for the Catholic Church in the United States. We are again face to face with the tragic reality of sinful abuse perpetrated on the most vulnerable of our faith family. How, we ask, can we trust those shepherds with our lives, our children and our faith? Can the victims find peace and healing in the Church that betrayed their innocence? Can we, as professed Secular Franciscans, stand as mere bystanders watching this tragic play unfold before us? What are we to do? What can we do?
It saddens all of us that a small minority of men who made a cmmitment to serve the Church betrayed the promises they made to serve, and used their positions of being an authority figure to aid predatory behavior; truly we have wolves in sheep’s clothing. (Mt 7:15) If it were only a case of a few parish priests, the trust of Church leaders may more easily be re-established; but when it is demonstrated that our chief shepherds, the bishops, were involved in secrecy, cover ups and pay outs, the trust, respect and moral authority of the Church as an institution suffers great damage. We must all face the truth and make no excuse for those who are guilty of these crimes against the living stones of the Church, the mystical body of Christ; those who have been unfaithful spouses to the Church as the Bride of Christ!
St John Chrysostom, a fourth century bishop, described pastors as the “salt of the earth”.
(Mt 5:13) He said of pastors, “If others lose their savor, then your ministry will help them regain it. But if you yourselves suffer that loss, you will drag others down with you.” Sisters and brothers, we have witnessed many being dragged down by those shepherds who have lost their savor as salt of the earth.
As a Secular Order, we are in a unique position to help those who feel abandoned, threatened and fearful of the clerical hierarchy that betrayed their trust. We are an order of people in the pew. As people in the pew we can listen to our broken sisters and brothers. We can listen without judging, without trying to immediately heal them of their pain. We can listen to them and acknowledge their pain without defending or making excuses for the institution that betrayed them. We can “with a gentle and courteous spirit accept them all as a gift of the Lord and an image of Christ” (OFS Rule, Art.13). We can make contributions to support the counselors who will help heal the wounds of those suffering souls.
We were founded as the Brothers and Sisters of Penance. All of us in our individual life, in our fraternities, in our regions and our national fraternity must do penance for this great sin. Some demons can only be cast out through prayer and fasting. (Mark 9:29) This is our call to action! Our Lord asked St. Francis to rebuild the Church which was falling into ruin. Are we called to do anything less as followers of Francis? Francis lived his vocation authentically as a living example of Gospel Life. We must do the same. Only by living an authentic Gospel life will our light shine and the Church be rebuilt.
We must also stand with our brothers and sisters who have and are serving the Church as good and faithful servants. These men and women who are faithful to their call are now called to be suffering servants. They are guilty by association with the Church institution that has betrayed their trust. How difficult it will be for them to preach the Gospel as representatives of a Church that has lost its moral authority in the public square and in the pew. We must stand by those faithful servants and help them continue to look after the well-being of others.
Sisters and Brothers of the Secular Franciscan Order, we stand in support of the victims and in favor of holding those responsible for these crimes accountable for their actions. We pray for healing, forgiveness, peace, reconciliation and a Church that will be rebuilt and with God’s grace, and the movement of Holy Spirit, one day, will once again be a beacon of light, hope and refuge. Let us go forth and witness to the light of Christ and rebuild the Church so that it may once again be full of grace and truth.
The National Executive Council of the Secular Franciscan Order USA (OFS-USA)
August 26, 2018
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on March 7th, 2017 “Multiculturalism and Diversity: Who is My Neighbor?”
This Summer Session is open to all who would like to attend. Check out the attached flyer for more information on this great opportunity to spend a few days with Seculars from across the country and participate in this timely topic. Seminar flyer 2017
Posted By Teresa Redder, on January 25th, 2016 From an article on the National Catholic Register website:
The major relics of Maximilian Kolbe, who was canonized by St. John Paul II, began an 8-month tour Jan. 15-17 in Ellicott City, Md., at the Shrine of St. Anthony. The tour started with noon Mass at the shrine.
The tour sponsored by the Franciscan Friars Minor Conventual of the Our Lady of the Angels Province will continue until August 14, the date commemorating the 75th anniversary of Kolbe’s martyrdom in the World War II Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz, Poland.
Read more…
Posted By Teresa Redder, on September 21st, 2015 BIG NEWS! Our beloved Brother Larry Hilferty, TOR, Regional Spiritual Assistant to St. Katharine Drexel Region and local Spiritual Assistant to St. Bonaventure Fraternity has been asked to greet the Pope! He wants to give the Pope one of our orange ribbon/Tau cross pins in support of the martyred Middle Eastern Christians. We all just stepped a little closer to our Holy Father and rejoice in the honor bestowed on Brother Larry!

Posted By Teresa Redder, on February 21st, 2015 I received a letter today from the secretary to His Eminence, Sean Cardinal O’Malley in response to my request that the Cardinal mention the Secular Franciscans when he speaks at the World Meeting of Families next September.
Here is what he said:
The Cardinal holds the Secular Franciscan vocation in high regard and is grateful for your dedication to this important ministry, which enriches the lives of many people.
As we look toward the events being planned for the World Meeting of Families this coming September, we will be happy to determine how the secular vocation can be included in the Cardinal’s participation, to provide recognition for the members and to encourage a greater awareness and increase of this means of living one’s faith. As you note, this could be particularly helpful for providing young people an effective and fulfilling means for responding to the Lord’s call in their lives.
We are most grateful to Cardinal O’Malley for his kindness in recognizing the value of the Secular vocation.
Posted By Teresa Redder, on December 15th, 2014 Advent greetings of peace, dear Family!
I pray this finds you well and filled with the Lord’s peace in this week of honoring our dear Mother Mary. What I most love about our Blessed Mother is not only her YES to God to bear the Messiah, but also her love of justice. During her visit to her cousin, Elizabeth, she uttered the prayer of her ancestors, the Magnificat. She prayed for justice for those who were considered the lowest, the poorest and the most vulnerable. As Franciscans, this too is our prayer. We must collectively echo the words of our Mother Mary and seek justice and peace for all those who are abused and mistreated.
You have no doubt read or heard the massive yet disturbing report from the Senate Intelligence Committee on Torture. From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture:
“Torture violates the basic dignity of the human person that all religions, in their highest ideals, hold dear. It degrades everyone involved — policy-makers, perpetrators and victims. It contradicts our nation’s most cherished ideals. Any policies that permit torture and inhumane treatment are shocking and morally intolerable.”
I am writing to ask you to join with me and raise a collectively Franciscan voice.
- Check your daily print or online newspaper for stories on the coverage of the report.
- Write a letter to the editor. Mention that you are a member of the U.S. Secular Franciscan Order (or your Franciscan Province or Community).
- Forward me a copy of your letter with the name of publication, city and state.
There are talking points and suggestions on the NRCAT website. I will collect the letters and forward to NRCAT – or you can go on the website and inform them yourself. Just copy me whatever you do. If the link does not work for you, visit http://www.nrcat.org.
May the God of peace give you his peace as we await the coming of Emmanuel!
Wishing you Advent blessings of peace and all good,
Animate Peace
“Peace begins within each of us. It is a process of repeatedly showing mercy to ourselves, forgiving ourselves, befriending ourselves, accepting ourselves, and loving ourselves. As we learn to appreciate ourselves and accept God’s gift of peace, we begin to radiate peace and love to others.” ~ Rev. John Dear
Posted By Teresa Redder, on November 7th, 2014 In the name of Christ. Amen.
We are pleased to announce that the members of the newly-elected Council of San Damiano Fraternityare:
- Teresa Carisio, OFS Minister
- Deacon Tommy Watts, OFS, Vice-Minister
- Justin Carisio, OFS, Formation Director
- Edyth Kurzweil, OFS, Secretary
- Pat Drake, OFS, Treasurer
Please be sure to keep them in your prayers.
 Deacon Tommy Watts, OFS; Justin Carisio, OFS; Teresa Carisio, OFS; Pat Drake, OFS; Edyth Kurzwell, OFS; and Sr. Elise Betz, OSF