St. Katherine Drexel Regional Fraternity
Regional Spiritual Assistant
St. Francis of Assisi Friary
1901 Prior Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19809
tel: (302) 798-1454 fax: (302) 798-3360 website: skdsfo email:
January 2025
O admirable heights and sublime lowliness!
O sublime humility! O humble sublimity!
That the Lord of the universe,
God and the Son of God,
so humbles Himself
that for our salvation
He hides Himself
under the little form of bread!
Look, brothers, at the humility of God
and pour out your hearts before Him!
Humble yourselves, as well,
that you may be exalted by Him.
Therefore, hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves
so that He Who gives Himself totally to you
may receive you totally.
(St. Francis of Assisi)
(excerpts continue from the Assisi Compilation and daily quotes from various sources)
1 – Saturday evening before nightfall, after vespers, when blessed Francis passed to the Lord, many birds called larks flew low above the roof of the house where blessed Francis lay, wheeling in a circle and singing. We, who were with blessed Francis, and who wrote these things about him, bear witness that we often heard him say: “If I ever speak to the emperor, I will beg him, for the love of God and by my entreaties, to enact a written law forbidding anyone to catch our sister larks or do them any harm.
— Time never takes time off.
2 – Likewise, all mayors of cities and lords of castles and villages should be bound to oblige people each year on the Nativity of the Lord to scatter wheat and other grain along the roads outside towns and villages, so that all the birds, but especially our sister larks, may have something to eat on such a solemn feast.
– It’s magnificent to grow old if one keeps young.
3 – Also, out of reverence for the Son of God, whom His Virgin Mother on that night laid in a manger between an ox and ass, everyone should have to give brother ox and brother ass a generous portion of fodder on that night. Likewise, on the Nativity of the Lord, all the poor should be fed their fill by the rich.”
– The voice of Time cries out “Advance”.
4 – For blessed Francis held the Nativity of the Lord in greater reverence than any other of the Lord’s solemnities. For although the Lord may have accomplished our salvation in his other solemnities, nevertheless, once He was born to us, as blessed Francis would say, it was certain that we would be saved. On that day he wanted every Christian to rejoice in the Lord and, for love of Him who gave Himself to us, wished everyone to be cheerfully generous not only to the poor but also to the animals and birds.
– Time is too slow for those who wait.
5 – Concerning larks, blessed Francis used to say, “Our Sister Lark, has a capuche like religious, and is a humble bird, who gladly goes along the road looking for some grain. Even if she finds it in the animals’ manure, she pecks it out and eats it. While flying, she praises the Lord, like good religious who look down on earthly things, and whose life is always in heaven.
– Time is too swift for those who fear.
6 – Moreover, her clothes, that is, her feathers, resemble earth, giving an example to religious not to wear clothes that are colorful and refined, but dull, like earth.” And because blessed Francis considered all these things in sister larks, he loved them very much and was glad to see them.
– Tim is too long for those who grieve.
7 – Blessed Francis often said these words to the brothers: “I have never been a thief, that is, in regard to alms, which are the inheritance of the poor. I always took less than I needed, so that other poor people would not be cheated of their share. To act otherwise would be theft.”
– Time is too short for those who rejoice.
8 – When the brother ministers urged him to allow the brothers to have something at least in common, so that such a great number would have some resources, Saint Francis called upon Christ in prayer and consulted Him about this. Christ immediately responded that He would take away everything held individually or in common, saying that this is His family for whom He was always ready to provide, no matter how much it might grow, and He would always cherish it as long as it would put its hope in him.
– Time is short, but those who love, Time is eternity.
9 – When blessed Francis was on a mountain with Brother Leo of Assisi and Brother Bonizo of Bologna to make the Rule,—because the first, which he had written at Christ’s instruction, was lost — a great many ministers gathered around Brother Elias, who was the vicar of blessed Francis. “We heard that Brother Francis is making a new rule,” they told him, “and we fear that he will make it so harsh that we will not be able to observe it. We want you to go to him and tell him that we refuse to be bound to that Rule. Let him make it for himself and not for us.”
– God wants the heart.
10 – Brother Elias replied to them that he did not want to go because he feared the rebuke of Brother Francis. When they insisted that he go, he said that he refused to go without them; so they all went. When Brother Elias, with those ministers, was near the place where blessed Francis was staying, he called him.
– My worth to God in public is what I am in private.
11 – Blessed Francis responded and, seeing those ministers, he said: “What do these brothers want?” “These are ministers,” Brother Elias answered, “who heard that you are making a new rule. They fear that you are making it very harsh, and they say, and say publicly, that they refuse to be bound by it. Make it for yourself and not for them.”
– The measure of a person’s character is what he would do if he were never found out.
12 – Then blessed Francis turned his face to heaven and spoke to Christ in this way: “Lord! Didn’t I tell you they wouldn’t believe you?” The voice of Christ was then heard in the air, saying “Francis, nothing of yours is in the Rule: whatever is there is mine.
– Power is never good unless the one who has it is good.
13 – And I want the Rule observed in this way: to the letter, to the letter, to the letter, and without a gloss, without a gloss, without a gloss.” And He added: “I know how much human weakness is capable of, and how much I want to help them. Those who refuse to observe it should leave the Order.”
– A good name is better than wealth.
14 – Then blessed Francis turned to the brothers and said: “Did you hear? Did you hear? Do you want me to have you told again?” Then the ministers, confused and blaming themselves, departed.
– Patient endurance attains all things.
15 – When blessed Francis was at the general chapter called the Chapter of Mats, held at Saint Mary of the Portiuncula, there were five thousand brothers present. Many wise and learned brothers told the Lord Cardinal, who later became Pope Gregory, who was present at the chapter, that he should persuade blessed Francis to follow the advice of those same wise brothers and allow himself to be guided by them for the time being.
— Great works are performed not only by strength but perseverance.
16 – They cited the Rule of blessed Benedict, of blessed Augustine, and of blessed Bernard, which teach how to live in such order in such a way. Then blessed Francis, on hearing the cardinal’s advice about this, took him by the hand and led him to the brothers assembled in chapter, and spoke to the brothers…
— Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.
17 – God has called me by the way of simplicity and showed me the way of simplicity. I do not want you to mention to me any Rule, whether of St. Augustine, or St. Bernard, or St. Benedict. And the Lord told me what He wanted.
– What can’t be cured, must be endured.
18 – He wanted me to be a new fool in the world. God did not wish to lead us by any other way other than this knowledge. But God will confound you by your knowledge and wisdom. But I trust in the Lord’s police that through them He will punish you, and you will return to your state, to your blame, like it or not”. The Cardinal was shocked and said nothing and all the brothers were afraid.
– The Word of God became man that you also may learn from a man how a man becomes a God.
19 – Although blessed Francis wanted his sons to keep peace with all and to behave as little ones toward everyone, he taught them to be particularly humble toward clerics by his word and showed them by his example.
– Real unselfishness consists in sharing the interests of others.
20 – He used to say: “We have been sent to help clerics for the salvation of souls so that we may make up whatever may be lacking in them. Each shall receive a reward, not on account of authority, but because of the work done.
– The secret of being lovely is in being unselfish.
21 – Know then, brothers, that the profit or good of souls is what pleases God the most, and this is more easily obtained through peace with the clergy than fighting with them. If they should stand in the way of the people’s salvation, revenge is for God, and he will repay them in due time.
– Living in our selfishness prevents our transformation into divine love.
22 – So, be subject to prelates so that, as much as possible on your part no jealousy arises. If you are children of peace, you will win over both clergy and people for the Lord, and the Lord will judge that more acceptable than only winning over the people, while scandalizing the clergy.
— The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of oneself to others.
23 – Cover up their failings, make up for their many defects, and when you have done this, be even more humble.”
– It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
24 – Some of the brothers told blessed Francis: “Father, don’t you see that sometimes bishops do not permit us to preach, allowing us to remain idle in an area for many days before we can preach to the people? It would be better if you arranged for the brothers to get a privilege from the Lord Pope: it would be the salvation of souls.
– The man who is poor in the spirit realizes things mean nothing and God means everything.
25 – ” He answered them with a stern rebuke, telling them: “You, Lesser Brothers, you do not know the will of God, and will not allow me to convert the whole world as God wills. For I want to convert the prelates first by humility and reverence. Then, when they see your holy life and your reverence for them, they will ask you to preach and convert the people.
—He is not poor who has little, he that desires much.
26 – These will attract the people to you far better than the privileges you want, which would lead you to pride. And if you are free of all avarice, and lead the people to give the churches their due, they will ask you to hear the confessions of their people.
– People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy.
27 – Although you should not be concerned about this, for if they are converted, they will easily find confessors.
– If we behaved like true Christians, there would be no pagans.
28 – For my part, I want only this privilege from the Lord: not to have any privilege from any human being, except to show reverence to all, and, by the obedience of the holy Rule, to convert everyone more by example than by word”.
– The hope of the future lies not in better human inventions, but in better human relations.
29 – One time the Lord Jesus Christ said to Brother Leo, the companion of blessed Francis: “I have a complaint about the brothers.” “About what, Lord?” Brother Leo replied. And the Lord said: “About three things. They do not recognize My gifts which, as you know, I generously bestow on them daily, since they neither sow nor reap. All day long they are idle and complain. And they often provoke one another to anger, and do not return to love, and do not pardon the injury they receive.”
– Nothing is a greater impediment to being in good terms with others than being ill at ease with yourself.
30 – One night blessed Francis was so afflicted with the pains of his illness that he could barely rest or sleep that night. In the morning, when his pain eased a bit, he had all the brothers staying in that place called to him, and when they were seated around him, he considered them and regarded them as representatives of all the brothers.
– God did not make human beings perfect. He made human beings pilgrims after perfection.
31 – Beginning with one brother, he blessed them, placing his right hand on the head of each one, and he blessed all who were in the religion and all who were to come until the end of the world. He seemed to feel sorry for himself because he was not able to see his sons and brothers before his death.
– Ideals are like stars-we never reach them but we chart our course by them.